About Trappers
A Glimpse into Trappers
Trapper on Trapped Lost Pets cannot make it back home
January 13, 2020
Alleged poacher bragged about trapping bobcats, raccoons
August 3, 2018, Oregon
A Culver man who bragged about poaching bobcats, raccoons and a skunk on his social media accounts was recently arrested in connection with multiple hunting and trapping violations.
Alleged poacher bragged about trapping bobcats, raccoons
Wolf snared, tipping MN DNR to 600 illegal traps
March 15, 2017, Minnesota
Over 600 illegally set snares! Costing only a couple of bucks, snares are the trappers cheap deadly weapon of choice. In Montana, there is no limit or distance for how long a trap line can run. Good job to the officers who caught these extra lowlifes. It’s not an easy feat.
Wolf snared, tipping MN DNR to 600 illegal traps, charges say
Trapper finds a dead moose in one of his snares
His intended victims were coyotes. His response? “Shit happens”.
He says he can’t wait to get back and try to trap and kill more coyotes, hoping to avoid snaring any more moose. He believes these coyotes will be fattened up from feeding on the moose the wildlife officials told him to leave serving as more bait for coyotes.

Montana Trappers Association representative on Quotas
In response to our upset that District 1 (Kalispell region) remained opened and publicly to trapping otters despite going over quota, Montana Trappers Association representative contacted us, claiming: It’s okay that trappers go over quotas because the biologists have already figured this in when they set quotas so that the extras trapped, ie 35 instead of 23 killed doesn’t hurt the population. We are advised to attend the FWP quota setting processes so we can understand it’s all “common sense”.
Post from trappers – Piss on Footloose & TFMPL
WARNING: Video exposing the highly disturbing inhumanity towards wildlife that is promoted by trappers on “Piss on Footloose Montana & Trap Free Montana” facebook page, fully displays the moral depravity that exists. For insight into their darkened twisted thinking and hardened hearts: https://youtu.be/dIW1yjgQLh4

Trappers Busted! – Montana Trappers Association failed to report thousands of dollars
After over a year long arduous investigation, the Commissioner of Political Practices made his ruling that prosecution is justified against the Montana Trapper’s Association (MTA) and their Montanans for Effective Wildlife Management (MEWM) for financial campaign violations.
On 9/17/15, the Montana Commissioner of Political Practices concluded “the failure to properly disclose and report the magnitude identified in this Matter cannot be excused by oversight or ignorance.”
We filed the financial complaint in May 2014 against the trapping organizations and provided documentation to substantiate the undisclosed $25,000 profit from an auction they held and various reporting omissions from fundraising events and expenses conducted to oppose our I-169 ballot initiative for Trap Free Montana Public Lands.
It came as no surprise to us given the air of entitlement these trappers convey for the wildlife they trap, the lands they do it on, no matter if public or someone’s else’s even without permission, and how they boasted and tried to intimidate us during signature gathering for our 2014 ballot initiative.
Unlike with trapping victims, these financial records must be disclosed, funds must be accounted for and all, including trappers, are held responsible.
To read the Commissioner of Political Practices decision in length click here. For additional information:
- Commissioner: Trappers Violated Montana Campaign Laws
Trapping Group’s Actions Referred for Prosecution Montana Cowgirl Blog, Sept 24, 2015 - From the Associated Press, Commissioner: Trappers association withheld $25K in reports
Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Sept 18, 2015 - Commissioner: Trappers association withheld $25K in reports Missoulian Sept 19, 2015
Note: Mistaken identity in article. TFMPL was not contacted and we were not the responsible party for the 2013 ruling and $240 fine. - Letter from FWP: Trappers did not have permission to use state equipment to oppose ballot initiative The Montana Cowgirl Blog, July 7, 2014 –
- Despicable The Montana Cowgirl Blog, July 2, 2014
- Complaint alleges trappers didn’t disclose political cash, Bozeman Daily Chronicle May 27, 201

Findine of Fact No. 6: On June 14,2014 Jason Maxwell drove a pick-up truck to the farmer’s market in Hamilton, Montana. The truck was pulling a trailer prominently labeled as “Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, State Furbearer Program.” (Commissioner’s records).
Montana Trapper’s Association President’s Report
In Montana Trappers Association October newsletter, Toby Walrath’s, letter from the president accuses us as “anti-trapping, anti-God, anti-hunting and anti-ranching.”
In accepting a reported new field director position with the US Sportsmen’s Alliance, Walrath writes, “the hope is to use this heft of the USSA to drive the anti’s out of Montana.”
Toby Walrath, Presidents Report, Montana Trappers Association, October 2014 Newsletter
Table Pounding Tough Guys
Montana Trapper Association October 2014 Newsletter “Table pounding tough guys and big mouths are not going to keep these people at bay. It only hurts our cause. Your MTA hires quality advocates to say the right thing at the right time to keep public opinion of trappers on our side. These advocates have to be paid and we, as consumptive users of renewable resources cannot afford to battle the ARF’s without them. The ARF’s jerk at the heart strings of little old ladies to get their inheritances and set themselves up in a business well paid. The MTA needs to have a war chest to do the same.”
Sincerely Denny Schutz “Foothold”
Trappers caught in true character.
Trapping supporters including Montana Trappers Association officers and district directors respond to family’s facebook plea for help in finding their missing pets in the Bitterroot. Each and every time trappers are caught showing their true character they delete their post.