Voting Records & Grades

TFMPL started keeping track of Montana legislator’s vote on wildlife issues pertaining to trapping and trapping related bills and gives them a grade accordingly. The goal is to educate the public on how Montana legislator’s vote on anti-predator legislation and the common denominator …. trapping. Bills that are pro-wildlife, science based, that promote ethics and respect for wildlife, and safe use of our public lands from trapping are routinely rapidly tabled in the Montana legislature.

One of the most effective things one can do is find and contact legislators, reach out and get to know them. Find out their position on wildlife, predators, trapping, public lands, non-lethal methods, and respectful coexistence. Briefly and respectfully communicate with them. Skip the form letters and use your own words in written communication. Provide the data and links to promote the science and findings. Respectfully urge their support for science based, ethical management of wildlife, and safe use of our public lands, which the majority of the legislative bills in Montana are not! Always take a minute to thank the legislators who aligned their vote with you and try and learn from those who did not the reason why.

Don’t begin to think you and you alone cannot make a difference. We know for a fact, the proof is in the pudding that you can!