Love Wildlife
Human beings protect what they love and love only what they know.
Over the years, we have inundated you with the cruel images and truths in trapping. We all could use some pleasantries, some enjoyable different views of wildlife who make us smile, and a reminder of who these animals are who we fight so hard to respect, preserve, and protect from trapping.
Swift Fox
What do you think the value of this rare 5 lb, 12″ high, legally trapped little creature in Montana is?
FWP had said there was no reported market value for the swift fox. Trappers like the notoriety of trapping and killing these little foxes, smaller than a domestic size cat. In Montana the swift fox is listed as a species of concern and rightfully so.
But are the swift fox on their way to being wiped out again in Montana?
Learn the truths about wolves from those most knowledgeable and help dispel the often generational and commonly repeated myths.
Speak up for Fishers, ESA protections NEEDED
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service needs to hear from you as they review the status of, and any potential threats to, the distinct northern Rocky Mountain Fisher population under review for Endangered Species Act protections!
For very good reason, beavers are referred to as both nature’s hydro-engineers and a keystone species. Earning the reputation, busy as a beaver, these highly social animals who live as a family unit are North America’s largest rodent. Awkward on land, beavers build dams and lodges for protection against predators and for access to food in the winter. They create canals to transport the logs. Many say, you cannot out work a beaver. They react to the sound of water by quickly damming it up with branches and mud. Their dams alter, store and slow the flow of water significantly modifying the landscape. Beavers substantially change the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the surrounding river ecosystem. They enhance biodiversity providing benefits to plants and animals. Beavers create wetlands in which an estimated 85% of all wildlife are dependent.