In Montana, however, the 150 feet setback for wolf traps applies to open roads AND hiking trails on federal and state public lands.
Other traps and snares set require only a 50′ setback along open roads and hiking trails designated by administrative signs or numbers. Required setbacks are 300′ and lethal traps and snares require 1000′ setback from marked or designated trailheads accessible by highway vehicle.
For those considered “High Recreational” use trails some in district 1 but most in district 3, a 500′ setback is required for all ground set traps.
Rich Landers: Pet dogs caught up in Idaho’s wolf-control effort
As she cross-country skied along Lightning Creek Road north of Clark Fork, Idaho, local resident Mary Franzel saw a leg-hold trap snap shut on the paw of her pet dog, Morgan. The dog calmed quickly and Franzel released the trap anchored at the edge of the road after taking this photo. (Courtesy photo)