Great Falls, Montana
The Dodo Tells Bear’s Story!
March 28, 2018 – Sarah V Schweig
Cat Found In Wolf Trap Gets All The Head Scratches He Wants Now
Update March 19, 2018
Just over a week ago, we didn’t know if Bear would pull through or if it would be deemed best for Bear to try and see.
Look how far Bear, this poor abandoned terrified kitty found in a leghold trap in the city of Great Falls, Montana, has come in just less than a week after his amputation! When found, he was in pretty bad shape and just so fearful of people.
Bear has discovered that there are good people, those that will help and not hurt him anymore. Clearly, he is loving it!
His case is now under investigation by the Great Falls city police. According to Sgt. Wells, “There are several possible laws that could pertain to the case, including animal cruelty and setting a trap in the city limits.” His case might be rare but not the first in the city. Also, where there is one trap, you can count on it that there are more.
TFMPL is offering funds that exceed Bear’s medical costs as a reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of his trapper. Otherwise, the additional funds will be held for future trapped victims in need of financial aid for medical care.
To all our wonderful supporters that contributed to us to cover Bear’s medical costs, you are a very big part of this once tragic but now increasingly positive story!
Keep up the good progress, Bear! When you are all healed, that extra special home for you is sure to be found!
This poor cat was found Friday night, March 9, 2018, lying in the road. The woman and her daughter who found him thought he was dragging a snake. She told us they never see cats around anymore. Upon closer discovery, they were horrified, never imagining it was a chain to a leghold trap. This was within the city limits of Great Falls, Montana, completely illegal and about a block and a half from a public playground.
Nicknamed “Bear” by staff, three days later, no one had claimed him at the City of Great Falls Animal Shelter.
Trap Free Montana Public Lands offered to cover Bear’s medical costs, knowing he almost definitively would need his mangled trapped leg amputated if he was to survive. We did not want the costs in any way to be a factor in determining this poor frightened and abandoned injured cat’s fate.
WARNING: Viewer discretion

We were delighted, relieved and yet worried when we received the call from the shelter, Tuesday morning, that Bear was going into surgery!
The day after his front leg was amputated, we were told Bear was resting comfortably on antibiotics and pain medications and eating, well you know, like a bear! Good sign! When appropriate, Bear will be up for adoption for that extra special place where he will be loved, cared for and only know kindness hereon from humans.
Bear has also made the news. His suffering hasn’t been in vain by helping increase awareness of the undeniable and indiscriminate cruelty that’s inherent in trapping.
Leghold trap catches domestic cat in Great Falls
Trapped Great Falls cat named Bear hanging on after leg amputated
From our facebook post his story, too, had reached over 20,000 in less than 24 hours and was shared well over 200 times.
To the best of our knowledge, Bear’s trapper is still out there perhaps trapping. Maybe the trapper is even mad believing someone stole his/her trap. Well we know who had little option but to take it. Bear! We haven’t received any word back from Montana FWP on the status of any investigation.
Thank you to Gisela, her daughter, animal control, the shelter, veterinary clinic and all who have helped including those who have already made a monetary contribution to us to help poor Bear!
Any funds received exceeding his costs, will be earmarked for future trapping victim’s medical needs.