February 27,2015 – Necedah, WI
Does this reflect freedom for our national emblem and what Montanans would ever want enshrined into our constitution as a right?
It is said the eagle was used as a national emblem because, at one of the first battles of the Revolution (which occurred early in the morning) the noise of the struggle awoke the sleeping eagles on the heights and they flew from their nests and circled about over the heads of the fighting men, all the while giving vent to their raucous cries. “They are shrieking for Freedom,” said the patriots.
Thus the eagle, full of the boundless spirit of freedom, living above the valleys, strong and powerful in his might, has become the national emblem.
What would our forefathers think of our continued indiscriminate barbaric yet legal recreation of trapping and the countless eagles that fall victim to it?